Saturday, May 12, 2012

Play dates in the city-do they exist? And can I keep my coffee dates?

 As I get closer and closer to becoming a mom, I have already thought about what life is going to be like having a child. One of the many things I have been pondering about is whether or not it will be difficult to meet other parents who have children in the city.

 I can imagine living in the suburbs how easy it can be because majority of couples who have children live out there. As far as the city goes, it can pose a challenge. I dearly love my friends who don't have children in the picture or even marriage on the horizon and I will continue to keep in touch with them. I do know that a lot of times, people's relationships change once they have kids, but I really hope that won't be the case with me, and that I can continue to have a variety of friendships. But I do know that meeting other couples with kids would be beneficial as I can bond with other parents who are either going through the same thing I will be going through or have already been there and can relate to me.

There are some parenting groups that I have seen here and there in Chicago, so I will just have to explore them and see if they are worth checking out. I do know a couple mothers that have already offered to hang out once I get established in the future so I will just have to see how that will go, it's a good start.

If you know of any great Chicago parent groups or organizations let me know in the comments section!

And Happy Mother's Day for those who are already mamas!